My husband and I are splitting. I'm finally coming to grips with this fact, I think. It's a long and actually unnecessary story; however, it's happening and it's not pretty. Tiger and Dragon are almost 3 years and 8 months old, respectively. I've a mountain of debt. I worry every day I won't be able to provide for my boys - not just materially, but emotionally. Will I have the energy, the love, the stamina and patience? Sometimes yes and sometimes no, is what I'm finding. I'm trying to be gentle with myself when I lose patience with my eldest. This is a big transition for him and he's seen and heard a lot if nastiness pass between his parents pretty much since the day he was born. And he has been diagnosed with asperger's, so transitions and emotional strife are already difficult for him. But, he's sweet and funny and so smart. There are days though, where he and I just butt heads all day. And at the end of the day I realize I've been a yell machine. Then I apologize to my sensitive Tiger who just wants mommy to be happy, as he tells me. Heart breaking moments. My Dragon is still so little. He's seen his share of fighting though too,so I'm glad he won't remember it and won't have to endure it much longer. He's one of the happiest, chillest babies ever. Doesn't sleep for shit, but none of my kids do! People always remark how happy he is and he has a smile for anyone who has one for him. I can pass him around to complete strangers and he won't bat an eye. Sometimes I worry he has sensed the tension between his dad and me and so he makes sure to overcompensate by being "easy". I hope I'm wrong about that. I hope it's just his disposition.
Anyway, my soon-to-be ex is a good father. A great one, in fact and very involved. Even though it makes life much harder for me personally, he'll stay very involved with our boys. I won't malign him for his parenting, I've got nothing to malign and given my foibles as a parent, it would be foolhardy to do so. Our marriage had good times, very good and there were some wonderful things I wish we could have salvaged, but it was not to be. We started out with too many obstacles, thought we could overcome them, and failed. So now there's a new chapter. I've created a new community of single moms, many who are going through divorce themselves. I'm thinking a lot about community and friendship and how impossible this all is without it. My life already looks vastly different than it did a year ago, six months ago, two months ago. With each new challenge I wonder "can I do it?" I'm amazed each time that the answer is yes. It may be chaotic or messy or not done exactly right, but at the end of the day, me and my boys are still here. We're still healthy. We still laugh and hug. So I will continue to rise up and meet each new challenge, channeling the strength I have utilized with each pregnancy, each birth. And when I stumble, I will try and love myself and ask for help from those who are willing. I write this to try and stay positive. That's no easy task. But my life will be infinitely better the more I can try to be what I am not by nature; a positive person.
I was looking up some information in one of my breastfeeding books earlier today and I came across one of the index cards I had used during Tiger's birth - the ones I had scribbled inspirational quotes on and read to keep myself going when I was two weeks overdue in the blistering August heat. The cards I had thrown across the room during transition because in that moment they were just bullshit platitudes. The quote on the card I found today said "when you are face to face with a difficulty, you are up against a discovery." I didn't attribute the quote to anyone and when I just googled it, turns out it's from Lord Kelvin. Why the hell I had a quote from a mathematical physicist scribbled on an index card for use during labor, I don't know, but I put it in the bathroom where I'll be sure to see it every day. Who knows what I'll discover next? Life doesn't always or maybe ever go how we planned, just like labor and birth. You have to believe in your own strength and be flexible enough to deviate from the plans when necessary. My new tattoo, which I am attaching a picture of to this post, is a reminder to me of my strength. That is the core of how I will get through the series of challenges and important decisions I have to make in the coming weeks and months. Always keeping my strength, and the well being of my children, first in my mind.